DEVOTED exists to provide a nurturing community of women where everyone has a seat at the table. We make space in our busy lives to study Gods word, gather in fellowship, practice using our gifts to serve and encourage one another and spend time connecting with Jesus through worship and prayer. 

Ladies' Bible Studies

For more information contact Kimber at

This is a weekly study. For more information, email Sara Houff at

This is a weekly study. For more information, email Chris Cooper at

Ladies' Retreat

Join us for our upcoming Devoted Ladies Retreat April 4th and 5th in Downtown Manteo. The theme this year, “Deeply Rooted Boldly Rising” features guest speaker Jamie Phear who is passionate about inspiring women to live deeply rooted in Christ and using their gifts and passions for the kingdom. There are 2 registration options (Overnight or Saturday only) so be sure to register quickly to secure a spot.

Friday, April 4th – Refreshing overnight stay at The Pearl which includes dinner, rest, fellowship, and attendance on Saturday (40 spots available)  Cost $145

Saturday, April 5th – Join us from 8:30-5pm @ The Waterfront Trellis.  Includes speaking sessions, small groups, worship and a great opportunity to connect with other women. (Breakfast, lunch, coffee and snacks included)  Cost $40

For More Information about our Women’s Ministry at Church of the Outer Banks, contact Jess McLean at

*Check our church calendar on our events page for more information on meeting dates and times.




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